Saturday, November 3, 2012

Rockefeller Center Turns Into Democracy Plaza

Rockefeller Center turns into "Democracy Plaza" as NBC News world headquarters host an innovative celebration of American democracy and citizenship. Created by NBC News and powered by Windows 8, Democracy Plaza  features several interactive exhibits, including: Replicas of the Oval Office and the White House press briefing room where visitors can have their photos taken and instantly shared online. There is also a video booth where visitors can record a mock version of an NBC News report. A news desk and teleprompter make it a realistic broadcast experience that will be shared digitally within minutes. Caricature artist stations where visitors will be able to get unique drawings of themselves with either Pres. Barack Obama or Gov. Mitt Romney. The drawings will be done using the new Fresh Paint app for Windows 8 and be instantly shared with the visitor. Cutting-edge experiences to amplify and analyze the “Voice of the Voter” -- both with visitors on-site and in a broader social media conversation. On election night, thousands are expected to gather in the Plaza to watch live coverage of results on large screens throughout the public spaces. The iconic Rockefeller Center skating rink will hold an enormous map of the United States, with individual states icing over in red or blue as the race is called by the NBC News Decision Desk. As in the past, red and blue banners representing the number of electoral votes will rise up the front of the building as each campaign climbs toward 270. The interactive exhibit will continue through election night on November 6. Democracy Plaza will be free and open to the public. Description of the Democracy Plaza is obtained from the Rockefeller Center website.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful shots, especially the first one. Makes me wish I could have been there this time around that little bit more :)
