Friday, November 2, 2012

Nature-Inspired Sculptures by Manolo Valdés on Exhibit in the Bronx

"Ivy" (2012)
"Butterflies" (2012)
"Fiore" (2012)
Currently on exhibit at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx are monumental sculptures created by Spanish artist, Manolo Valdés. The sculptures were inspired by the natural landscape of the garden. The exhibit includes Fiore, a 17-foot-high bronze and steel work inspired by oak and maple trees; Butterflies, a 50-foot-wide aluminum piece; and Ivy, a 15-foot-tall aluminum structure reminiscent of palm leaves. The artist created seven monumental, sculptural heads specifically for this exhibition. The sculptures prominently feature headdresses inspired by ferns, oak and maple leaves, windblown palms, and butterflies. The exhibition runs through May 26, 2013.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for showing us the brave work of Manolo Valdès. I could descover him by reading the marvelous Antonio Muñoz Molina's book: Fenêtres de Manhattan. I had the opportunity to walk through NYC three times in the 90'and I can remember images and views of this incredible, strange, soft and violent city. A hug from France;JPB
