Monday, September 23, 2013

Sheep Station - Site-Specific Art Installation of Sheep Sculptures in Gas Station by François-Xavier Lalanne for GettyStation Art Program

Sheep Station is a new outdoor art installation featuring 25 epoxy stone and bronze sheep statues ("Moutons") located at the former Getty filling station in West Chelsea at 239 10th Avenue. The outdoor exhibit is the inaugural presentation of the new  public art program, Getty Station. The installation is the work of Michael Shvo and Paul Kasmin Gallery, who have opted to reimagine the cartoonish pieces of the late French artist François-Xavier Lalanne. "Set in a surrealist landscape amidst the existing industrial gas station architecture, the sheep symbolize Lalanne’s mission to demystify art and capture its joie de vivre," explains the Getty Station website. "‘Moutons’ have become Lalanne’s most iconic work, embodying his very approach to art while commenting on the nature of art itself." The exhibition runs through October 20, 2013.

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