Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sanja Ivekovic's “Lady Rosa of Luxembourg" at the Museum of Modern Art Atrium

This is “Lady Rosa of Luxembourg,” a sculpture installation by Croatian artist Sanja Ivekovic that is now on display at the Museum of Modern Art's atrium. It consists of a Classical obelisk atop which balances a life-size statue of a very pregnant Greek-goddess figure, and the base of which is imprinted with a jarring combination of epithets and historic catchphrases (Whore, Kitsch, La Résistance). The sculpture was named for the Marxist philosopher and activist Rosa Luxemburg, who was murdered by Berlin police during the thwarted German Revolution of 1919. Sanja Ivekovic's art is conceptual in style, photo- and performance-based in approach, political in motivation, and feminist. The installation is part of a retrospective, covering more than 35 years, called "Sweet Violence" at the MoMA.

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