Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Eden Fine Art Gallery

Eden Fine Art, is a major international art representative and sponsor, specializing in the publishing, marketing and distribution of artworks, sculptures and photographs from select leading Israeli and international artists. Shown above is the modern flagship gallery of Eden Fine Art Art at 437 Madison Avenue (between 49th and 50th Streets). Eden Fine Art is owned by Mickey and Cathia Klimovsky. It was founded in 1998 with one gallery on Jerusalem's King David Street, and have since launched other galleries in a prime and sought after locations, such as the exclusive Hilton Tel Aviv Hotel, the exclusive tourist street of Ben Yehuda, Tel Aviv, and the the upscale beach town of Del Mar, in San Diego County, California.


  1. Nice gallery..Superb ..

    Everything is gorgeous..

  2. Gorgeous indeed! Capitalist pop art decor brilliantly marketed as a cultural phenomenon. Pretty good scheme and way to make a living and plenty of templates to choose from.Its too bad most other galleries today are only venues for pastiche irony and decor.
