Saturday, September 15, 2007


Earlier today, I took snapshots of the German-American Steuben Parade on Fifth Avenue. It was a colorful celebration of German culture and heritage.

From the Steuben Parade website:

The German-American Steuben Parade was founded in 1957 by German-American clubs, and these clubs are still the backbone of this annual tradition. Aside from all the clubs from the Greater New York region, who march regularly, German-American clubs from all parts of the United States have been marching up Fifth Avenue in the past, including groups from Texas, California, Florida and Wisconsin.
Since 1957, German-Americans have celebrated their heritage and the friendship between the "alte Heimat" and their new home with one of the most colorful, most spectacular Parades in New York City.

In 2007, we celebrate our 50th Anniversary with the biggest Parade ever. We are expecting around 50 clubs from Germany, among them music and dance groups, carnival groups and marksmen, and, of course, groups wearing historic costumes or their traditional "tracht". They come from all parts of Germany, from Bavaria to the Baltic Sea, from the Black Forest to Berlin, and they bring back beloved traditions.

Leading the 50th Anniversary Parade will be two very special guests:
As Grand Marshal we welcome the Hon. Dr. Henry Kissinger, former US Secretary of State and highest ranking German-born politician in US history. As Guest of Honor we welcome the Hon. Dr. Helmut Kohl. The former German Chancellor has been a champion for German-American friendship throughout his life.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pictures, thanks. This is a very fun parade.
